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SAS and Hasar Organization Join Forces in Planting Trees for Sustainable Development

SAS, in collaboration with the Hasar Organization, has made a remarkable contribution to the 11th Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) by actively participating in a tree planting event in Erbil. This joint campaign aims to plant one million trees in the Kurdistan region of Iraq by 2025, with a strong focus on improving the local environment and ensuring a better future for generations to come.

This collaborative effort between SAS and the Hasar Organization aligns with the global agenda for sustainable development and contributes to the overall vision of creating a greener and more sustainable future. By actively participating in the tree planting campaign, SAS plays a significant role in fulfilling its corporate social responsibility and promoting environmental awareness within the community.

Through the collective efforts of SAS, the Hasar Organization, and the entire community, the tree planting campaign will have a profound and long-lasting impact on the region, leaving a legacy of environmental consciousness and sustainable development for generations to come.





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